October 24, 2015 @ 7 pm - Living In The Black, the stage play will be at the Historic Gem Theatre in Kansas City, MO click on this eventbrite link to get tickets! A portion of proceeds will go to SAFEHOME and to KCCAVE.
May 8, 2015 - Session 1: Living In The a Black Panel Discussion 4:00pm Evansville Central Library, Browning Room A/B. Local leaders from the Albion Fellows Bacon Center, YWCA and Law Enforcement will discuss, "What is being done to stop the cycle of domestic violence in your community.
May 9, 2015 - Living In The Black, the stage play 7:00 pm Henderson Fine Arts Center in Henderson, KY. This is a Theatrical Musical that depicts the consequences of the silence of
domestic violence and teaches how to recognize the signs of abuse early on. It will inspire others to tell their story and to see domestic violence differently.
Living In The Black is a gritty and very honesty story about the silence of domestic violence. Ultimately, love overshadows it. The pain and shame and guilt we feel when it happens to us causes us to brush it under the rug and as a result no one wants to talk about and the cycle continues. My story teaches how not to avoid the signs of an abusers and will prevent spiraling downward. Courage is powerful because cruelty disappears in its presence.
The play Living In The Black Bites at your heart and changes how you see domestic violence.
We should get out of our own way and let our experience change the heart of others who may be stuck in an abusive relationship.
Not coming forward and speaking out about your experience festers pain. It also creates a negative energy around us and affects everything we do. Begin the conversation by visiting my Guest Book and sharing your story. DVD's for the play are available at www.sjmproduction.com and you can order the book here http://tinyurl.com/pyrw47q
Live Production of the stage play, Living In The Black
If You Only Knew Ministry offers HELP, HOPE and SPIRITUAL RENEWAL- CarlaWebb.org